Nombre de messages : 10977 Age : 65 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007
Sujet: Chanson sur le poker Ven 18 Déc 2009 - 21:39
Un chef d'oeuvre de nullité, en fait c'est tellement nul que ça en devient un chef d'oeuvre.
les paroles sont plus bas
je ne sais pas ce qui est le plus lamentable :
la musique sans imagination son chant plus qu'approximatif sa tronche de cake la mise en scène son imitation pathétique de Hoyt Corkins
ou le néant des paroles dont le mythique (2mn30): J'ai remis le paquet sur une paire de valet, les 2 autres valets sont tombés dans la rivière.
Les paroles du chef d'oeuvre, j'ai pas pu résister, comme ça vous pourrez la reprendre en coeur
J'ai décidé de gagner ma vie au poker mais le destin m'a fait perdre toutes mes mains ces joueurs lisent ta vie dans les cartes du ciel quand d'un seul coup de tonnerre la foudre se met en colère
J'ai misé ma fortune sur une paire de valet je me retrouve sans rien pour finir la partie ces joueurs sont vraiment les diables du destin je n'ai plus rien dans les mains
quand les nuages grondent sur Las Vegas que rugit la cité au retour du guerrier il tremble à l'idée d'être un jour banni de la cité du hasard, de la chance et de l'espoir
quand j'ai pu me refaire avec une paire de valet il était déjà tard mais j'ai gagné le paquet ces joueurs ont vraiment le sens du fair play j'ai de la thune pour demain
je laisse venir, je suis en veine je laisse venir, je suis en veine
ils ont la puissance d'une armée qui à faim ils ont le flop à porter de la main mais le destin saura me faire gagner quand d'un seul coup de tonnerre je me mettrais en colère
j'ai remis le paquet sur une paire de valet et deux autres valet sont tombés dans la rivière j'ai vraiment de la chance c'est un coup de titan ouaih, j'ai du cash pour demain, ouaih, j'ai du cash pour demain
ils ont la puissance d'une armée qui à faim ils ont le flop à porter de la main mais le destin saura me faire gagner je jouerai au poker, je jouerai au poker, au poker
je jouerai au poker, je jouerai au poker, oui au poker
Dernière édition par Gonzo49ers le Dim 20 Déc 2009 - 12:46, édité 6 fois
Nombre de messages : 4141 Age : 55 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 09/08/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Ven 18 Déc 2009 - 22:14
exploit, je suis allé jusqu'au bout !!!!!! mon côté maso ce qui m'a fait tenir, c'est que j'étais plié à t'imaginer regarder et écouter ça en battant la mesure ...
"au pOOker... au pOOker ..."
faudrait en faire l'hymne du MPC
Nombre de messages : 4141 Age : 55 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 09/08/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Ven 18 Déc 2009 - 23:08
par contre c'est normal que en l'écoutant je touche comme un porc sur full tilt (MTT 90 joueurs 6$) ?? c'est pas loin de devenir ma chanson fétiche là !!! Je pousse l'expérience je suis passé de 20eme à 7eme à la première écoute, et de 7eme à 2eme à la seconde écoute. reste 7 joueurs je relance une écoute
Nombre de messages : 4141 Age : 55 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 09/08/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Ven 18 Déc 2009 - 23:11
bon je l'ai écouté une fois de trop fini 5eme et j'ai ce p... d'air dans la tête maintenant...
Gonzo49ers Admin
Nombre de messages : 10977 Age : 65 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Ven 18 Déc 2009 - 23:14
kerdanet a écrit:
... j'ai ce p... d'air dans la tête maintenant...
c'est ballot
Nombre de messages : 8842 Age : 60 Localisation : Taulé Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Sam 19 Déc 2009 - 9:25
J'ai pas regardé ... et ne compte pas le faire ...
_________________ poker is good for me
Si tu choisis l'incinération, sache que ce sera ta dernière cuite, Tandis qu'enterré, tu auras toujours une chance d'avoir un petit ver dans le nez.
Nombre de messages : 3102 Age : 48 Localisation : Pas bien loin va ! Date d'inscription : 31/10/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Sam 19 Déc 2009 - 10:53
Black Pearl
Nombre de messages : 1267 Age : 49 Localisation : Plourin les Morlaix Date d'inscription : 11/09/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Sam 19 Déc 2009 - 22:44
voiçi une chanson, (reprise d'un groupe mythique, c'est pas gonzo qui dira le contraire) pour tout ceux qui ont subit le fameux BAD BEAT durant cette année !!!
Gonzo49ers Admin
Nombre de messages : 10977 Age : 65 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Sam 19 Déc 2009 - 22:56
Black Pearl a écrit:
voiçi une chanson, (reprise d'un groupe mythique, c'est pas gonzo qui dira le contraire) pour tout ceux qui ont subit le fameux BAD BEAT durant cette année !!!
Je crois que c'est encore plus nul que celui que j'ai mis, non seulement c'est nul mais en plus c'est chiant
Il chante encore plus mal et avec ses 3 tonnes d'echo on ne comprend pas la moitié des paroles.
Dans le même panier
ty wan
Nombre de messages : 141 Age : 46 Localisation : morlaix Date d'inscription : 21/10/2009
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Dim 20 Déc 2009 - 4:40
... alors, j'ai tout lu et j'ai trouvé des choses intéressantes mais le code pénal stipule bien que la drogue est INTERDITE en France !!!! j'vais vous coupé internet.. faut pas faire ça hein... vous allez faire sauter le faux-rhum à faire ça !!!!
tout regardé aussi.. et j'ai plus envi de jouer !!
- GONZO ?! tu nous la chanterais un mercredi ??? (obligé )
vous imaginez que j'ai pas pu trouvé pire que vous j'ai bien aimé celle là
Nombre de messages : 1385 Age : 42 Localisation : landivisiau Date d'inscription : 07/12/2008
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Dim 20 Déc 2009 - 11:36
mention special pour la chanson de marco qui est de loin la plus naz
Black Pearl
Nombre de messages : 1267 Age : 49 Localisation : Plourin les Morlaix Date d'inscription : 11/09/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Dim 20 Déc 2009 - 11:42
tazbreizh a écrit:
mention special pour la chanson de marco qui est de loin la plus naz
merci merci..pourrais je avoir un award spécial du coup ?????
Gonzo49ers Admin
Nombre de messages : 10977 Age : 65 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Dim 20 Déc 2009 - 13:09
les paroles
J'ai décidé de gagner ma vie au poker mais le destin m'a fait perdre toutes mes mains ces joueurs lisent ta vie dans les cartes du ciel quand d'un seul coup de tonnerre la foudre se met en colère
J'ai misé ma fortune sur une paire de valet je me retrouve sans rien pour finir la partie ces joueurs sont vraiment les diables du destin je n'ai plus rien dans les mains
quand les nuages grondent sur Las Vegas que rugit la cité au retour du guerrier il tremble à l'idée d'être un jour banni de la cité du hasard, de la chance et de l'espoir
quand j'ai pu me refaire avec une paire de valet il était déjà tard mais j'ai gagné le paquet ces joueurs ont vraiment le sens du fair play j'ai de la thune pour demain
je laisse venir, je suis en veine je laisse venir, je suis en veine
ils ont la puissance d'une armée qui à faim ils ont le flop à porter de la main mais le destin saura me faire gagner quand d'un seul coup de tonnerre je me mettrais en colère
j'ai remis le paquet sur une paire de valet et deux autres valet sont tombés dans la rivière j'ai vraiment de la chance c'est un coup de titan ouaih, j'ai du cash pour demain, ouaih, j'ai du cash pour demain
ils ont la puissance d'une armée qui à faim ils ont le flop à porter de la main mais le destin saura me faire gagner je jouerai au poker, je jouerai au poker, au poker
je jouerai au poker, je jouerai au poker, oui au poker
Nombre de messages : 4141 Age : 55 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 09/08/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Dim 20 Déc 2009 - 13:30
Gonzo49ers a écrit:
les paroles
J'ai décidé de gagner ma vie au poker mais le destin m'a fait perdre toutes mes mains ces joueurs lisent ta vie dans les cartes du ciel quand d'un seul coup de tonnerre la foudre se met en colère
J'ai misé ma fortune sur une paire de valet je me retrouve sans rien pour finir la partie ces joueurs sont vraiment les diables du destin je n'ai plus rien dans les mains
quand les nuages grondent sur Las Vegas que rugit la cité au retour du guerrier il tremble à l'idée d'être un jour banni de la cité du hasard, de la chance et de l'espoir
quand j'ai pu me refaire avec une paire de valet il était déjà tard mais j'ai gagné le paquet ces joueurs ont vraiment le sens du fair play j'ai de la thune pour demain
je laisse venir, je suis en veine je laisse venir, je suis en veine
ils ont la puissance d'une armée qui à faim ils ont le flop à porter de la main mais le destin saura me faire gagner quand d'un seul coup de tonnerre je me mettrais en colère
j'ai remis le paquet sur une paire de valet et deux autres valet sont tombés dans la rivière j'ai vraiment de la chance c'est un coup de titan ouaih, j'ai du cash pour demain, ouaih, j'ai du cash pour demain
ils ont la puissance d'une armée qui à faim ils ont le flop à porter de la main mais le destin saura me faire gagner je jouerai au poker, je jouerai au poker, au poker
je jouerai au poker, je jouerai au poker, oui au poker
là je dis bravo, car derrière ce travail, combien d'heures d'écoute de ce chef d'oeuvre, à moins que tu ne la connaissais par coeur auparavant mais que tu n'as pas osé nous le dire ???
Je propose que chaque mercredi le fish du mois ouvre le tournoi en nous chantant cette chanson ?
Gonzo49ers Admin
Nombre de messages : 10977 Age : 65 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Dim 20 Déc 2009 - 13:40
je l'ai dans la tronche ce putain de morceau maintenant
The fish song
ty wan
Nombre de messages : 141 Age : 46 Localisation : morlaix Date d'inscription : 21/10/2009
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Mar 22 Déc 2009 - 14:51
ce serai pas dangereux pour la sécurité du fish s'il chante ça ?!
Nombre de messages : 4141 Age : 55 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 09/08/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Mar 22 Déc 2009 - 15:18
ty wan a écrit:
ce serai pas dangereux pour la sécurité du fish s'il chante ça ?!
on va demander à Gonzo de faire un test demain, s'il s'en sort vivant ça sera concluant
Nombre de messages : 327 Age : 36 Localisation : Ploujean Date d'inscription : 24/09/2008
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Mer 23 Déc 2009 - 6:14
Nombre de messages : 1544 Age : 43 Localisation : morlaix Date d'inscription : 16/01/2008
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Mer 23 Déc 2009 - 8:46
Gonzo49ers Admin
Nombre de messages : 10977 Age : 65 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Mer 23 Déc 2009 - 12:41
Ace of spades
If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man You win some, lose some, it's all the same to me The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say I don't share your greed, the only card I need is The Ace Of Spades
Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil, Going with the flow, it's all a game to me, Seven or Eleven, snake eyes watching you, Double up or quit, double stake or split, it's The Ace Of Spades
You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools, But that's the way I like it baby, I don't wanna live for ever, And don't forget the joker!
Pushing up the ante, I know you've got to see me, Read 'em and weep, the dead man's hand again, I see it in your eyes, take one look and die, The only thing you see, you know it's gonna be, The Ace Of Spades
Kenny Rogers
The gambler
On a warm summer's evenin' on a train bound for nowhere, I met up with the gambler; we were both too tired to sleep. So we took turns a starin' out the window at the darkness 'Til boredom overtook us, and he began to speak.
He said, "Son, I've made my life out of readin' people's faces, And knowin' what their cards were by the way they held their eyes. so if you don't mind my sayin', I can see you're out of aces. For a taste of your whiskey I'll give you some advice."
So I handed him my bottle and he drank down my last swallow. Then he bummed a cigarette and asked me for a light. And the night got deathly quiet, and his face lost all expression. Said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy, ya gotta learn to play it right.
You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, Know when to walk away and know when to run. You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table. There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.
now Ev'ry gambler knows that the secret to survivin' Is knowin' what to throw away and knowing what to keep. 'Cause ev'ry hand's a winner and ev'ry hand's a loser, And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep."
so when he'd finished speakin', he turned back towards the window, Crushed out his cigarette and faded off to sleep. And somewhere in the darkness the gambler, he broke even. But in his final words I found an ace that I could keep.
You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, Know when to walk away and know when to run. You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table. There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done. chrousx3
Ace of diamonds
Well, king of diamonds Queen of spades You played your cards Your hand's been laid Well ace of diamonds King of spades The prize is mine You better pay money You better pay time You can give it all away You'll have your last dime You think you're free I went on a spree Well, ace of diamonds King of spades You're going down, way down And that ain't all 'Cause don't forget The next time you call Maybe be your last bet 'Cause ace of diamonds King of spades Your life is near Watch out fate You're getting old You're losing time And I don't mind taking Your every last dime
The Band (et aussi Van Morrison)
4% Pantomime
The management said they were sorry For the inconvenience you are suffering And Mr. Booking Agent, please have mercy Don't book the jobs so far apart We went up to Griffith Park With a fifth of Johnny Walker red And smashed it on a rock and wept While the old couple looked on into the dark
Oh, Richard, tell me if it's poker Oh, Richard, tell me, who's got the joker and is it poker
Deuces wild, like an only child I'll see what you got. How much is in the pot You pay the tips and I'll collect the chips It's a full house tonight--everybody in town is a loser Yeah, you bet
The dealer's been dealing me bad hands From the bottom of the deck without the slightest blush And I don't know whether to call or check But right now I feel like I got a royal flush And my lady didn't show from 'Frisco But we had to go on with the show Everybody got stoned--it was a gas, it was a smash Everybody got wrecked, checked. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Oh, Belfast cowboy, lay your cards on the grade Oh, Belfast cowboy, can you call a spade a spade
Oh, Richard, tell me, is the game poker I can't understand who the fool is that holds this joker Is it poker
Oh, Belfast cowboy, lay your cards down on the table Oh, Belfast cowboy, do you think you're able
Jimmy Dean
Darktown Poker Club
Bill Jackson was a poor old dub, Who joined the Darktown Poker Club But cursed the day he told them he would join. His money used to go like it had wings If he held Queens, someone had Kings And each night he would contribute all his coins. He said I'm going to play em tight tonight No bobtail flush is gonna make me b*** When I get's in, my hands going to be a peach. So he played em tight, but lost his pile And Bill got peevish after a while So he rose, got up, and made this speech.
He said - Now you all see this brand new razor I've had it sharpened just today And I'm comin''- in with my own rules That you must follow as you play. Now keep them boney hands on the table when you deal'em please And don't be slipp'en any aces down there in between your knees. And don't make any of them funny signs like your trying to tip off your hand Just talk in American, boy American - so's I can understand. And don't be dealing off the bottom, cause Oh! that's rough Just take Five, Five - then stop, that's enough. Now when you bet, put up them chips, cause I don't like it when you shy. If you get busted - go get some, cause I won't be here by & by. Pass them cards for me to shuffle every time before you deal Then if anything wrong, I must see. Cause you ain't going to play this game according to Mr. Hoyle, You're going to play this here game according to me.
Ace Frehley (Kiss)
Five Card Stud
I was born the son of a card shark With a deck in my hand I'm the best at playin' the game I'm known throughout the land
At the tables you'll find me A stack of chips by my side Poker, gin, or 21 A winning hand is my pride
Just cut the pack I'll take the one-eyed Jack There's no holding back I call your bluff
It ain't no crime Winning all the time When money's on the line I play for blood
I'm the five card stud!
Don't try to con me Let's get it understood You'll never put one past me Cuz I know every trick in the book
Let's play for double or nothing If you think you 're so good Let's go for broke Afraid you're gonna choke
You got one slim hope That ain't a 'nuff Well, you're outta luck You lost your bottom buck
I hit a royal flush And I smell blood
I'm the five card stud!
Let's go for broke Afraid you're gonna choke
You got one slim hope That ain't a 'nuff Cuz I'm the five card stud!
I'm the five card stud!
Ray Charles
The Cincinnati Kid
He came witht the name Cincinnati A kid with no ace in the hole On a hot poker pot, Cincinnati Had staked his heart and soul
He played night and day like a demon And prayed for that one lucky day When the lush royal flush of his dreaming Is just a game away
Beyond all the green felt shadows His own queen of hearts will wait But till he's king of the green felt shadows She'll wait, and wait, and wait
For sure as the cards will be falling And chips in the pot, he'll remain For the book Lady Luck will be calling Whoah, the Cincinnati kid I mean the Cincinnati kid Whoah, the Cincinnati kid Whoah, the Cincinnati kid I'm talking about the Cincinnati kid Everybody knows the Cincinnati kid Have you heard about the, the Cincinnati kid
Lynn Anderson
Full House
Tonight you're down at Charlie's Place again But it's not drinkins or company that you seek Cause Charlie has a card game in the backroom I knew you've been playin' poker there all week Right now I bet you're drawin' to a streight three over kind two paris then one pat But if it's a full house that's you're looking for Then come on home cause this is where it's at Yes there's a full house right here at home a wife and children you've rest all alone So if a broken heart is a more than a dime then come on home you got five of a kind [ steel ] If you could only see their little faces you'd hury home before the next hand starts You're sittin' down at Charlie's holdin' aces While here at home we're holdin' broken hearts Yes there's a full house... Then come on home you got five of a kind
Gonzo49ers Admin
Nombre de messages : 10977 Age : 65 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Mer 23 Déc 2009 - 12:41
The jack
She gave me the Queen She gave me the King She was wheelin' and dealin' Just doin' her thing She was holdin' a pair But I had to try Her Deuce was wild But my Ace was high But how was I to know That she'd been dealt with before Said she'd never had a Full House But I should have known From the tattoo on her left leg And the garter on her right She'd have the card to bring me down If she played it right
She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack She's got the Jack
Poker face was her name Poker face was her nature Poker straight was her game If she knew she could get you She play'd 'em fast And she play'd 'em hard She could close her eyes And feel every card But how was I to know That she'd been shuffled before Said she'd never had a Royal Flush But I should have known That all the cards were comin' From the bottom of the pack And if I'd known what she was dealin' out I'd have dealt it back
She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack, And who knows what else? She's got the Jack, yeah, yeah She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack She's got the Jack, Ooh, was a bad deal, Jack She gave me the Jack hey She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack Ooh, can't ya tell? She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack You Never know! She's got the Jack She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack She's got the Jack, and it hurts! She's got the Jack She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack She's got the Jack AAAAAAAAAAAAH! Oooooh! Thank you, thank you, Thank you people, Thank you, Thank you I'm glad you like the show, yes, thank you very much folks. Good night and God bless!
Chris De Burgh
Spanish Train
There's a Spanish train that runs between Quadalquivir and old Seville, And at dead of night the whistle blows, and people hear she's running still...
And then they hush their children back to sleep, Lock the doors, upstairs they creep, For it is said that the souls of the dead Fill that train ten thousand deep!!
Well a railwayman lay dying with his people by his side, His family were crying, knelt in prayer before he died, But above his bed just a-waiting for the dead, Was the Devil with a twinkle in his eye, "Well God's not around and look what I've found, this one's mine!!"
Just then the Lord himself appeared in a blinding flash of light, And shouted at the devil, "Get thee hence to endless night!!" But the Devil just grinned and said "I may have sinned, But there's no need to push me around, I got him first so you can do your worst, He's going underground!!"
"But I think I'll give you one more chance" said the Devil with a smile, "So throw away that stupid lance, It's really not your style", Joker is the name, Poker is the game, we'll play right here on this bed, And then we'll bet for the biggest stakes yet, the souls of the dead!!"
And I said "Look out, Lord, he's going to win, The sun is down and the night is riding in, That train is dead on time, many souls are on the line, Oh Lord, he's going to win!.."
Well the railwayman he cut the cards and he dealt them each a hand of five And for the Lord he was praying hard or that train he'd have to drive... Well the Devil he had three aces and a king, and the Lord, he was running for a straight, he had the queen and the knave and the nine and ten of spades, All he needed was the eight...
And then the Lord he called for one more card, but he drew the diamond eight, And the Devil said to the son of God, "I believe you've got it straight, So deal me one for the time has come to see who'll be the king of this place, But as he spoke, from beneath his cloak, he slipped another ace...
Ten thousand souls was the opening bid, and it soon went up to fifty-nine, but the Lord didn't see what the Devil did, and he said "that suits me fine", "I'll raise you high to hundred and five, and forever put an end to your sins", But the Devil let out a mighty shout, "My hand wins!!"
And I said "Lord, oh Lord, you let him win, The sun is down and the night is riding in, That train is dead on time, many souls are on the line, Oh Lord, don't let him win..."
Well that Spanish train still runs between, Quadalquivir and old Seville, And at dead of night the whistle blows, And people fear she's running still... And far away in some recess The Lord and the Devil are now playing chess, The Devil still cheats and wins more souls, And as for the Lord, well, he's just doing his best...
And I said "Lord, oh Lord, you've got to win, The Sun is down and the night is riding in, That train is still on time, Oh my soul is on the line, Oh Lord, you've got to win..."
Bob Dylan
Rambling, Gambling Willie
Come around you rovin' gamblers and a story I will tell About the greatest gambler, you all should know him well. His name was Will O' Conley and he gambled all his life, He had twenty-seven children, yet he never had a wife. And it's ride, Willie, ride, Roll, Willie, roll, Wherever you are a-gamblin' now, nobody really knows.
He gambled in the White House and in the railroad yards, Wherever there was people, there was Willie and his cards. He had a reputation as the gamblin'est man around, Wives would keep their husbands home when Willie came to town. And it's ride, Willie, ride, Roll, Willie, roll, Wherever you are a-gamblin' now, nobody really knows.
Sailin' down the Mississippi to a town called New Orleans, They're still talkin' about their card game on that Jackson River Queen. "I've come to win some money," Gamblin' Willie says, When the game finally ended up, the whole damn boat was his. And it's ride, Willie, ride, Roll, Willie, roll, Wherever you are a-gamblin' now, nobody really knows.
Up in the Rocky Mountains in a town called Cripple Creek, There was an all-night poker game, lasted about a week. Nine hundred miners had laid their money down, When Willie finally left the room, he owned the whole damn town. And it's ride, Willie, ride, Roll, Willie, roll, Wherever you are a-gamblin' now, nobody really knows.
But Willie had a heart of gold and this I know is true, He supported all his children, and all their mothers too. He wore no rings or fancy things, like other gamblers wore, He spread his money far and wide, to help the sick and the poor. And it's ride, Willie, ride, Roll, Willie, roll, Wherever you are a-gamblin' now, nobody really knows.
When you played your cards with Willie, you never really knew Whether he was bluffin' or whether he was true. He won a fortune from a man who folded in his chair. The man, he left a diamond flush, Willie didn't even have a pair. And it's ride, Willie, ride, Roll, Willie, roll, Wherever you are a-gamblin' now, nobody really knows.
It was late one evenin' during a poker game, A man lost all his money, he said Willie was to blame. He shot poor Willie through the head, which was a tragic fate, When Willie's cards fell on the floor, they were aces backed with eights. And it's ride, Willie, ride, Roll, Willie, roll, Wherever you are a-gamblin' now, nobody really knows.
So all you rovin' gamblers, wherever you might be, The moral of this story is very plain to see. Make your money while you can, before you have to stop, For when you pull that dead man's hand, your gamblin' days are up. And it's ride, Willie, ride, Roll, Willie, roll, Wherever you are a-gamblin' now, nobody really knows.
Cledus T. Judd
One Jack Off
Every Friday night I go to bubba's hardware store and give the secret knock on the private stockroom door good ol' boys are shootin craps playin' five card stud hot lookin' women ice cold suds this blonde was playin' poker she was on a roll I sat down beside her with my ace in the hole I had to draw a jack to win with a stright ace high but win I drew that card I kissed that pot goodbye
cause Im one jack off here in my hand I got an ace, a king, a queen, and a ten and now Im in a jam I was doin' fine till I pulled that nine thats win I went soft I was temptin fate with an ace high stright but Im one jack off
Ive played with this deck so long its messin' with my mind Ive heard it said to much of this it can make a man go blind I can't let her beat me but I aint got a prayer Im sure shes got a real good hand I see shes got a pair I stared accross the table hopin' that she calls then when she raised me well I dang near lost it all I tried to pull it out figurin' Id bluff but win I showed her what I had she said to bad your one jack off
Im just one jack off aint that great she said nice try but nine, ten, queen, king, ace dont make a straight I said how about another round she said adie up there hoss she took all my money and Im still one jack off
Im one jack off just my luck she won my favorite pair of cowboy boots and the pink slip to my truck I knew Id have to come again next week to get back what I lost thats the story of my life its seems Im always one jack off
thats right
one jack off
Marshall Tucker Band
Fly Like An Eagle
I'm gonna take me a ride on a riverboat Down to New Orleans Gotta pocket full o'money and a liquor bottle Gonna drink away my dreams
Don't really wanna leave Sure I can't stay I'm gonna get on that riverboat And gamble my life away
Makes me fly like an eagle Higher and higher every day Cause in my mind and in my dreams I can't get her away
Gonna sit down at the poker table Five card stud's my game Gonna try and forget that crazy woman Gonna try and forget her name
I don't know how I'll make it But I'll forget her some way This is the time and the only time She ain't gonna get away
Dernière édition par Gonzo49ers le Sam 26 Déc 2009 - 0:42, édité 1 fois
Gonzo49ers Admin
Nombre de messages : 10977 Age : 65 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Mer 23 Déc 2009 - 12:44
Hank Snow
Queen of Draw Poker Town
Her eyes looked at mine with a cold vacant stare I'd still like to know what i saw in her there She was'ant outstanding her features were small And personality wise she had nothing at all
But two people that night me and god above Knew this was the woman that i'd always love For who can explain what goes on in your heart That can cause a woman to tear you apart
In a swank poker club where it's legal to play And the suckers and booze turn the night into day There i led with my heart when the big chips were down And i lost to the queen of draw poker town
I was soon to find out why they gave her that name She was hooked on the cards and lived for the game I thought she might change but it's now plain to see The deck had been stacked and the joker was me
My bills are unpaid and the rent money's gone The bread box is empty and our clothes are in pawn And night after night you'll find me alone Just walking the floor until she gets home
Day after day i keep tellin myself let her go break away Let the suckers and booze turn the night into day But speakin of fools you can hand me the crown For i still love the queen of draw poker town
Now here is a woman who lives without shame A sick mind a slave to the draw poker game Day and night there she sit with her coveted chips And the cigarette smoke billows out from her lips
A pitiful site from her head to her feet I know she would rather play poker than eat But i also know well but i cant tell you why I'll live just for her until the day that i die
The landlord can wait i'll run and i'll hide Who cares if the bread box is empty inside I'll stay home alone i'll go without shoes I've got nothing to gain but no more to lose
Till the day she plays her last hand her last card is drawn Till i've sold my last shirt and my last buck is gone I'll be king of the fools and i'll never sit down For i worship the queen of draw poker town
Mick Jagger
Lucky in Love
A betting fool, a gambling man No sooner up you're down again Mama said you won't get hurt Don't play the cards, you won't get burned But there's a place where I still win But there's no money in this thing The game of hearts puts me in spades The only game I got it made
Oh, I'm lucky in love! Yes, I've got the winning touch Lucky in love! Suddenly, I'm dangerous
I'm betting on a filly down at the track A natural-born winner, that's a fact A hundred yards from the winning post The horse fell down, must seen a ghost But there's a place where I still win That is still my sure-fire thing I will play the jack of spades You play the queen, I'll play the knave
Oh, I'm lucky in love! Yes, I've got the winning touch Lucky in love!! Suddenly, I'm dangerous
I know it's a mystery when the numbers come up 'Cause mathematics is Greek to me But I'm lucky, I'm lucky, I'm lucky in love
Yeah, Las Vegas at night at the roulette wheel Yeah, Monte Carlo try to cut a deal Atlantic City, I lose at craps Back in London try to win in back And late at night I lay in bed With a pistol to my head Swear I couldn't take no more And in she walks right through my door
Oh, I'm lucky in love! When I think I've had enough Lucky in love! Yes, I've got the winning touch
Suddenly, I'm dangerous
Yes I'm lucky, Yes I'm lucky Yes I'm lucky, yes I'm lucky Yes I'm lucky, yes I'm lucky Lucky with the ladies Thank God for the ladies Otherwise, I'd go, I'd go crazy How about a line of credit For say, ten thousand dollars? Eighteen on the red Put me, put me home to bed
Yes I'm lucky, yes I'm lucky Yes I'm lucky, yes I'm lucky Yes I'm lucky, yes I'm lucky Lucky with the ladies I'm sitting here with a full house I just can't believe I'll lose out on this Okay! Okay! Your ten thousand and ten thousand more You want to raise me, you want to raise me? How about this? Twenty thousand and twenty thousand more Okay! You want to see me? Well I got, I got a full house What's that? A royal flush? Well, ain't that a bust, I'm broke!
Swollen Members
Poker face
Refrain (le reste à peu de rapport avec le Poker):
Full house, royal flush, what you holdin'? You'll be foldin', fuckin' with Swollen Queens get jacked by the King of Spades Buc Fifty, Mad Child, Prev One, Poker Face
Gonzo49ers Admin
Nombre de messages : 10977 Age : 65 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Mer 23 Déc 2009 - 12:46
Par trois gars de mon quartier Je me suis laisser entraîner Dans un tripot la semaine dernière Dans une salle enfumée Nous nous sommes installés Autour d'une table de poker On a enlevé nos vestons Commandé force boissons Puis la partie a commencé Tell que je vais vous l'expliquer
On prend les cartes, on brasse les cartes On coupe les cartes, on donne les cartes C'est merveilleux on va jouer au poker On prend ses cartes, on regarde ses cartes On s'écrie: - cartes ! puis l'on écarte J'en jette trois car j'ai déjà une pair Quand tout le monde a son jeu On se regarde en chiens d'faïence On essaie de lire dans les yeux Du voisin plein de méfiance J'ai pris trois cartes et lui deux cartes Vous combien d'cartes ? - moi juste une carte Ah !..faut se méfier y'a du bluff dans l'air...
- Je suis blind à toi de parler - Dit au second le premier Ce dernier s'écrie: - Parole ! - Le troisième mis' cent francs Je dis: -tes cent, plus mille francs - Les deux autres s'arrêtent au vol Le troisième me dit: -voilà - Tes mille francs ! qu'est ce que tu as ? -Trois dames, j'ai gagné je crois -Non, dit-il car j'ai trois rois ! -
On prend les cartes, on brasse les cartes On coupe les cartes, on donne les cartes Je me dis qu'es-tu venu faire dans cette galères ? On reprend les cartes, on regarde ses cartes On s'écrie: - cartes ! puis l'on écarte Je me dis maintenant va falloir se refair' Pendant toute la partie Je me faisais des reproches Quand se termina la nuit Je n'avais plus rien en poche Avant que je n'parte, je prend les cartes Je déchire les carts Je jette les cartes Et les piétine avec colère Au moment de m'en aller J'entend des coups de sifflet Une descente de police Les inspecteurs du quartier Veulent tous nous interroger Me voici devant la justice Ils me disent: - mon garçon Nous sommes bons et te donnons Une minute pour t'expliquer - Je leur ai dit affolé:
On prend les cartes, on brasse les cartes On coupe les cartes, on donne les cartes Je n'ai jamais rien eu de meilleur qu'une paire On reprend ses cartes, on regarde ses cartes On s'écrie: - cartes ! et l'on écarte -Je vois très bien me dit le commissaire On va vous emprisonner Car du reste je m'en fiche Mais on va vous affecter Au département des fiches On prend les cartes, on regarde les cartes On trie les cartes, on range les cartes En prison je suis devenu fonctionnaire Tout ça parcequ'un jour Un bien triste jour J'ai voulu jouer au poker.
Juice Newton
Queen of hearts
Midnight, and I'm a-waiting on the twelve-oh-five Hoping it'll take me just a little farther down the line
Moonlight, you're just a heartache in disguise; Won't you keep my heart from breaking if it's only for a very short time
Playing with the queen of hearts, knowing it ain't really smart The joker ain't the only fool who'll do anything for you
Laying out another lie, thinking 'bout a life of crime That's what I'll have to do to keep me away from you
Honey, you know it makes you mad Why is everybody telling everybody what you have done Baby, I know it makes you sad But when they're handing out the heartaches you know you got to have you some
Lovers, I know you've had a few But hide your heart beneath the covers and tell 'em they're the only one And others, they know just what I'm going through And it's a-hard to be a lover when you say you're only in it for fun
Playing with the queen of hearts, knowing it ain't really smart The joker ain't the only fool who'll do anything for you
Playing with the queen of hearts
Black Pearl
Nombre de messages : 1267 Age : 49 Localisation : Plourin les Morlaix Date d'inscription : 11/09/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Mer 23 Déc 2009 - 13:02
et Lady Gaga ???
Gonzo49ers Admin
Nombre de messages : 10977 Age : 65 Localisation : Morlaix Date d'inscription : 15/01/2007
Sujet: Re: Chanson sur le poker Mer 23 Déc 2009 - 13:19
Lady Gaga
Poker face
Mum mum mum mah Mum mum mum mah
I wanna hold em' like they do in Texas Plays Fold em' let em' hit me raise it baby stay with me (I love it) Luck and intuition play the cards with Spades to start And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh, I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Can't read my, Can't read my No he can't read my Poker Face (She's got me like nobody) Can't read my Can't read my No he can't read my Poker Face (She's got me like nobody)
P-p-p-Poker Face, p-p-Poker Face (Mum mum mum mah) P-p-p-Poker Face, p-p-Poker Face (Mum mum mum mah)
I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be A little gambling is fun when you're with me I love it) Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun, fun Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh, I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Can't read my, Can't read my No he can't read my Poker Face (She's got me like nobody) Can't read my Can't read my No he can't read my Poker Face (She's got me like nobody)
P-p-p-Poker Face, p-p-Poker Face (Mum mum mum mah) P-p-p-Poker Face, p-p-Poker Face (Mum mum mum mah)
I won't tell you that I love you Kiss or hug you Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin I'm not lying I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue-gunning Just like a chick in the casino Take your bank before I pay you out I promise this, promise this Check this hand cause I'm marvelous
Can't read my, Can't read my No he can't read my Poker Face (She's got me like nobody) Can't read my Can't read my No he can't read my Poker Face (She's got me like nobody)
Can't read my, Can't read my No he can't read my Poker Face (She's got me like nobody) Can't read my Can't read my No he can't read my Poker Face (She's got me like nobody)
Can't read my, Can't read my No he can't read my Poker Face (She's got me like nobody) Can't read my Can't read my No he can't read my Poker Face (She's got me like nobody)
P-p-p-Poker Face, p-p-Poker Face (Mum mum mum mah) P-p-p-Poker Face, p-p-Poker Face (Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-Poker Face, p-p-Poker Face (Mum mum mum mah) P-p-p-Poker Face, p-p-Poker Face (Mum mum mum mah)
Marcel et Son Orchestre
Bad trip poker
J'ai perdu au poker Contre mon boss d'hier Un type incarcéré Pour magouilles financières J'ai pour me refaire Cent grammes de gruyère Un ticket de métro Et ma dent sur pivot,
Si je finis marron Je dois comme punition Accepter sans râler Cinq ans d'humiliation Comment échapper A la pire des sanctions Faire une publicité Pour un job de maton,
{Refrain : x2} Ne me dites pas Que pour moi les jeux sont faits Le monde est parfait On ne peut rien y changer.
Ne me dites pas… Que le monde est ainsi fait ! Ne me dites pas…
J'ai pas toujours été A la merci du hasard J'ai même occupé Des boulots de veinard Bossé 25 ans Dans la métallurgie Un jour sans préavis Par ici la sortie,
Pour me reconvertir En prime pour l'avenir Au dessus de ma tête La leucémie me guette Deux crédits sur l'dos Ma case et mon auto Mon banquier trop sympa A fait saisir tout ça,
A 45 balais Et avec trois mouflets Va t'en donc essayer De tout recommencer Sans turbin coeur chagrin Les ennuis s'additionnent Comme des vers sur ma pomme Les huissiers m'affectionnent,
{Refrain, x2}
Ne me dites pas… Que le monde est ainsi fait ! Ne me dites pas…
Plutôt bon bricoleur J'fais des chantiers au black Pour un type pas tout blanc Mais faut bien faire son beurre Le type veut pas m'payer Me prend pour un jambon J’lui rentre en plein dans le lard Ce cochon meurt de peur,
Le juge qu'est indulgent M'en refile pour 20 ans Et les portes du pénitencier Sur moi se sont refermées Les gosses m'ont envoyé Des jeux de société Je fais des châteaux de carte, des réussites Et je joue aux osselets,
Ne me dites pas… Que le monde est ainsi fait ! Ne me dites pas… Qu’on ne peut rien y changer !
{Refrain, x2}
J'ai gagné au poker Trois napperons et deux soupières Six cent numéros De modes et travaux.
Pixie Lott
Poker face (traduction)
Je veux les serrer comme ils le font au Texas , s'il te plaît Les plier , les laisser me frapper le dresser chéri reste avec moi L'intuition du jeu de l'amour influence les cartes avec un blanc avant le départ Et une fois qu'il sera accroc je jouerai à celle qui convoite son cœur
ohhh , ohhhhhh Je vais lui donner chaud, montre-lui ce que j'ai oh , ohhhhh Je vais lui donner chaud, montre-lui ce que j'ai
Il ne peut pas lire mon Il ne peut pas lire mon Non il me peux pas lire mon visage impassible Il ne peut pas lire mon Il ne peut pas lire mon Non il me peux pas lire sur mon visage impassible Elle m'a comme personne
Je veux me mettre avec lui, un sacré couple que nous serons Un petit risque de pris c'est sympa quand tu es avec moi La Roulette Russe c'est pas pareil sans le pistolet Et chéri quand y a de l'amour si c'est pas dur c'est pas drôle, drôle
ohhh , ohhhhhh Je vais lui donner chaud, montre-lui ce que j'ai oh , ohhhhh Je vais lui donner chaud, montre-lui ce que j'ai
Il ne peut pas lire mon Il ne peut pas lire mon Non il me peux pas lire mon visage impassible Il ne peut pas lire mon Il ne peut pas lire mon Non il me peux pas lire sur mon visage impassible Elle m'a comme personne
Il ne peut pas lire mon Il ne peut pas lire mon Non il me peux pas lire mon visage impassible Il ne peut pas lire mon Il ne peut pas lire mon Non il me peux pas lire sur mon visage impassible Elle m'a comme personne
texte original I wanna hold em' like they do in Texas , please Fold em' let em' hit me raise it baby stay with me Love Game intuition play the cards with space to start And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart
ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Oh, ohhhh, I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Can't read my, Can't read my No he can't read my poker face Can't read my Can't read my No he can't read my poker face She is got to love nobody
Po-po-po-poker face, po-po-poker face Po-po-po-poker face, po-po-poker face
I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be A little gambling is fun when you're with me Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh, I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
No he can't read my poker face She is got to love nobody Can't read my poker face
Can't read my, Can't read my No he can't read my poker face Can't read my
Don Choa
Chip leader
[refrain] OK! Tu peux m'appeler chip leader le niqueur du benef, je suis de mèche avec le dealer passe la monnnaie gros tu peux m'apeller chip leader world poker sérial killer passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros
Bienvenue dans le real game, des grosses blinds les MC veulent du fame mais moi, je baise ces grosses binds. Attention ça va vite, c'est tragique, c'est cruel Moi, j’ai le sourire, pourquoi, je viens de saigner Patrick Bruel. C'est Don Choa A.K.A. Mister Chip Leader et tu voudrais t’y frotter, mais t’as un trop petit kicker à ma table les players meurent dans la douleur en balançant bêtement leur tapis sur un vieux tirage couleur Rien à foutre des pourcentages, des putains de statistiques sérieux, je t’attends et je te nique quand t’es en kilt Ouais je te baise, et quand je te laisse, t’es en kilt Je te laisse en morceaux, MC Ikea t’es en kit Oh les cons, ils m'ont rendu la haine au bouton, j’en vois une centaine dans la plaine C’est pas des balles, arrête de t’affoler, Paye, hé croupier, passe les jetons de mon côté
[refrain] OK! Tu peux m'appeler chip leader le niqueur du benef, je suis de mèche avec le dealer passe la monnnaie gros tu peux m'apeller chip leader world poker sérial killer passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros
T’es toxico, t’es drogué, ce putain de jeu t’a rendu fou t’as plus de quoi payer ton loyer, mais moi je m’en fous je prends tes sous, je prends ton cash, tes bijoux ta bagnole, ta baraque, mec, en quelques coups de cartes tu me dois le prix d’un appart’. Ici c’est sérieux, ici c’est high tech Si tu veux t’amuser c’est PES ou MySpace Paye en espèces, dépêche-toi, sors la maille Sors ta maille, qu’est-ce que tu brailles T’es pas de taille, you can’t die Trop endetté, t’es wanted, mets les voiles Le seul truc qui peut te sauver c’est 5 numéros et 2 étoiles Mais ferme ta gueule, va pleurer chez ta consoleuse Je viens te chanter une petite berceuse avec ma langue tronçonneuse Excusez-moi j’ai bien les idées noires Mais je crois que j’ai égorgé le vieux Sarkozy dans ma baignoire fût dur comme un badbeat à la river appelle-moi world poker serial killer
[refrain] OK! Tu peux m'appeler chip leader le niqueur du benef, je suis de mèche avec le dealer passe la monnnaie gros tu peux m'apeller chip leader world poker sérial killer passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros passe la monnaie gros, passe-moi la monnaie les euros
Willy Deville
Spanich jack
Spanish Jack had a Cadillac That he always parked around the corner He wore his hat tipped to the side Like a pimp on Easter morning.
I was on the street that Saturday night When they all claim they saw him In his cowboy shoes and shantung suit And the night was young in August.
His lady's name was Sunny Day She had Jack tattoed on her shoulder Jack played cards with Gentleman Jim And Sunny did everything Jack told her.
Gentleman Jim won Jack's watch and chain In a badly dealt game of poker Then Sunny Day kind of moved away As the last hand hit the table.
Jack he had a pair of nines And the Gentleman showed three aces You took my watch and chain and now my gold tipped cane Put both your hands up on the table.
We can settle this thing in a gentleman's way Let's just step outside the doorway The night was warm and they looked at the stars But only one would see the morning.
There's nothing lower than a cheat at cards Especially at poker Before the Gentleman he could cheat again The Spaniard pulled out his revolver.
Spanish Jack shot Gentleman dead And the shots sounded loud as thunder And when the smoke it cleared Gentleman Jim lay dead This was his last game of poker.
Jack filled Jim with so much lead It took six men to move him over So full of lead and oozing red They stole the boots right off his body.
If you're gonna play a game of cards Be sure with who you're gambling This game of chance you can never win If Spanish Jack is at the table.